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Author: Yasin Gija

The Empirical Attainment Function characterizes the probability that a given point in the objective space is dominated by the solutions generated by a multi-objective optimization algorithm after a certain number of evaluations or generations. Essentially, it provides a probabilistic description of the outcomes produced by the algorithm over multiple runs.

Here we seek to display visually the Empirical Attainment Function using Plotly and ggplot2 in R. This package plots the Empirical Attainment Function (EAF), the EAF differences, the symmetric deviation function and 3d plots of the EAF.


You can install the development version of interactiveeafplots like so:



Once the interactiveeafplots package is installed, the following R commands will give more information:

#> Warning: replacing previous import 'ggplot2::last_plot' by 'plotly::last_plot'
#> when loading 'interactiveeafplots'